GeoMark Research and Senslytics Forge Strategic Partnership to Pioneer Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence Solutions

GeoMark Research, a leading provider of Geochemical and PVT data and analysis, and Senslytics, a provider of patented artificial intelligence solutions that incorporate domain expert knowledge, proudly announce a strategic partnership aimed at revolutionizing the landscape of science-backed decision-making in the upstream energy industry.

This collaboration brings together GeoMark Research's high-quality data and expertise in PVT and fluid analysis and Senslytics' proprietary artificial intelligence capabilities to create a powerful synergy. The joint venture will focus on developing state-of-the-art solutions that harness the knowledge of over 100 years of petroleum system research with a unique form of artificial intelligence which merges that knowledge with data to provide valuable predictive tools that usher in the next stage of AI for energy operators.

Read more about the partnership

In the News:
The Journal Record
Newspaper recently featured the GeoMark Research and Senslytics partnership in a detailed article.

Read The Journal Record article